Giving Back with Heaven's Melody


When you buy Heaven's Melody Skin Care, we plant a tree for every product sold.

Planting over 180 million trees in nearly 60 countries over 30 years has served as a large-scale experimental laboratory. Through the history, Trees for the Future has studied innumerable tree-planting strategies, assessing their ease of implementation and witnessing the short - and long - term results.

Trees for the Future have found that Forest Gardens planted by farming families allow them to thrive by significantly and permanently increasing their income. In the Forest Garden approach farmers start growing MORE FOOD AND MAKING MORE MONEY in the first year, and their income STEADILY GROWS from the point on. The Forest Garden Approach increases the production of cash crops that can be sold at market for income. In Senegal, this approach increases a farmer's income by a 400% OVER FOUR YEARS! Rather than having one payday from a cash crop grown in monoculture, Forest Gardens are designed to provide paydays and harvest EVERY MONTH OF THE YEAR.

In addition to increasing the family's income, the household INCREASES THEIR RESILIENCE to economic instabilities throughout the year. The Forest Garden diversifies marketable products, which in turn varies the sources and timing of income. This reduces financial risk and susceptibility to MARKET OR CLIMATE-RELATED SHOCKS such as droughts, crop failure, or drastic price drops of a cash crop.

The economic benefits of the Forest Garden Approach go beyond making a family wealthier. The impacts have a RIPPLE EFFECT ON A PERSON'S LIFE, including decreasing expenses of food, manure, fuelwood, animal forage, fertilizer and lumber purchased. Forever, farmers are incentivized to stay on their farm and are less likely to MIGRATE TO URBAN SLUMS OR FARAWAY COUNTRIES to earn more money. Additionally,, a family's healthcare costs decrease as they are better able to feed themselves and meet their family's nutritional needs. And better financial standing and resiliency increases a family's ability to INVEST IN THEIR CHILDREN'S EDUCATION.


THROUGH THE FOREST GARDEN APPROACH, NOT ONLY IS A FARMER'S INCOME INCREASED, THE FAMILY ALSO BECOMES MORE RESILIENT TO EXTERNAL SHOCKS. With a greater and steadier income, a family is better able to invest in their land, adding value and saving for emergencies and retirement. The returns are many; including decreased living expenses, less migration, better nutrition and improved health, better educational access, economic independence, and AN END TO EXTREME POVERTY.